Sunday, May 14, 2006

I am sorry i had to post such derogatory comments...i just couldnt control my emotions at that point of after talking to someone..i feel maybe i was in the wrong

I may be pressuring you too much and instead caused you so much more problems. Just let me know what is on your mind and maybe I can give you some advise on what can be done...just like what any sane person would do...I make put in some jokes in between but thats just to lighten up your spirits and not for you to take it to heart...hope to hear from you soon because this is really killing me...ignoring is a real pain in the ass to the person being ignored.

I'm watching Las Vegas now...i enjoy watching sitcoms/dramas/reality TV because they are really really interesting.

Other shows i enjoy watching: The Amazing Race, Survivor, Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Desperate Housewives, Lost, The O.C, The Apprentice, American Idol etc etc...
Not forgetting...Japanese Animation(daisuki desu ne..translation: Love it ALOT)

And once again...I AM TRULY TOTALLY SORRY(x infinity)...forgive me because everyone makes mistakes...thats where i will learn and be a better person :)



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