radio online!~
Finally got my radio mini-compo radio that is...with all the other functions that i need...actually sent it for repair but it would be cheaper to get a new set...been searching for a new one for a while already...but can't seem to find any with the same functions as the one i have now...all i need is...A wake up timer that wakes up to the radio, sleep timer, radio tuning, able to play cds and of course, a clock...but i can't seem to find any! My current one works well..except the multidisk function is my new 1 doesnt need to have a multidisk more trouble...placing 1 cd at a time is good enough for me...most importantly would be the wake up timer...thats what i need...i don't wake up to the conventional alarm clocks or handphone alarms...i need the radio...anything other than the radio would be just...NOISE! Irritating noise...thats just be i guess...or else i'll be waking up to a grumpy day =Missed listening to 98.7FM this whole week...without the radio there, it felt like a part of me was missing...that feeling was just totally weird...
Like today, i got woken up from my sleep father was banging on the door...then i went to open the door...and saw funny guys standing there...i was still half asleep...then my father said they had to clean the ledge...and he asked me to sleep in my brother's room i went there...and my dog was barking non stop so i brought her in...only when she was locked in the room, she started crying...which made it hard for me to go back to i just kept calling to her...and she would stop for a while...then continue out of the bed only after those men had left...they made hella load of noise just to clean the ledge...especially that damn vacuum cleaner..will someone invent a freaking quiet one?!
Suction of air makes it noisy...that i in the airplanes, when u flush the toilet..*WHOOSH* *SUCKKkkkkkkkkk* *WHOOSH*..that kinda noise...but anything is possible with the way technology is evolving...
Wanted to play games the whole afternoon and night...but i couldn't...played for 3hrs or so then i gave up because i felt giddy...a simple reason...i haven't eaten breakfast and lunch...and it was i gave up gaming...and went to watch my missed episode of "Lost" instead...encore every saturday :) lucky me!~
Well, it was TV for me all the way until i have to do some of my Japanese assignments...and study some things for it...
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