Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Blogging at work =)

Been a long time since i last blogged, i'm actually blogging at work...cos these few days has been really boring...kinda missing school life now. Cant really wait for my attachment to was fun initially but its beginning to be a drag now..instead of working, i am playing neopets at work ha! I'm slacking off at work...the drive to work was in the 1st few months but now, losing it gradually but surely!

Heard from my other friends about their attachment, they told me that theirs really sucked...and is still sucking~ HA! They get scolded by their bosses and get piled with a shitloada work and they cant leave on time. Compared to them, i am better, to be exact, the best! I crap alot in the office, laugh and laugh non-stop~ Its a joy to work with me in the company! HAHAHA! Thick skin yea? =) What you see is not what you get ^^

I get to do almost anything i want at work...and dont really get scolded...the only thing i dont like about attachment is the PAY!!! yessss..its all about the KA-CHING!
Without da KA-CHING, we cant live..whoever said that poor people are happy are a buncha liars k? Deep inside the pathetic souls of those poor basturds they are just thinking about money...when u see their happy faces in front of u, just remember its just a fake front...they are cursing you to the 7 depths of hell(or how many depths there are, they curse u to the max) so...just gotta say this...poor people=LIARS! =)

Opps~How many ppl am i offending by saying this? O.O LIKE I ACTUALLY GIVE A HOOT!
Cos i'm poor too ^^ LALALA~~~

Can u spell poor? its P-O-O-R!! YES I Should be part of the new Spellcast program...cos i can SPELL! HAHAHA ^^



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