Tuesday, July 17, 2007

fucked up day! cooled down already~

Yea...super fucked up day in the office but just came back from a crazy swim...managed to cool down...Hmm...what happened eh...lets see how to begin then...since i'm already cooled down, talking about it will boil me up again and so i shall to remember this day!

Woke up as usual and late as usual...arrived office and settled down...and began to do my usual work...hmm..wait shall label bosses S,T and J(main manager)...
Ok so I am doing my work...then J boss comes up to me...print this out for me...and ammend this excel spreadsheet for me..got some mistakes...urgent...then ok...doesnt seem much so accepted...then later, T boss sends email to ask me bring 1 consultant around to do measurements...ok so another work to do...then later 1 contractor(name him A) comes to do measurements(take note this is a different 1)..then goes to J boss and says he needs to take measurements..then J boss says...go find me, i will bring him around...wtf! Then contractor A comes to me and says J asks me to bring him around...i say erm...wait...then after 2mins, contractor B comes in and says...i was told you are bring me around...i said...erm not now can? Not free...then contractor C comes...can bring me around?....>.
Then i faster chiong go lunch...i go Esprit buy clothes 1st then later dabao horfun back...eat halfway...then consultant ask me print thing for her...i ask her 1 page only issit...then she said yes at 1st...then later she said...NO i wan all...wakao...kanasai...over 30 page and somemore the printer is print 1 page by 1 page...as in must manual feed paper de lor...Fuck sia...then say need for meeting at 2pm...wtf la...the time already 1.45pm...how to finish by then...print also take at least 1hr to finish that set...then printing halfway, consultant B ask me bring him down to measure...then i say can wait...at least take 1/2hr more...then he said no choice wad..so he waited...and waited...then i also feel bad liao ask him wait...then i ask my colleague who was free at that time to help me continue printing while i brought him around...the time already 2.40pm...brought contractor B around till around 3.30pm...then got back and already finished printing...thanked my colleague and still had more work to do...photocopy 5 more sets...sheesh...and i did...then still need to sort out nicely...haiz...finally managed to get it down...and brought it into the meeting room...then they said...waa finally come..we finish discussion already...then they said nevermind i still want!! Thank you very much...the booming thanks gave me some comfort and relieve and it felt good...somehow a word of thanks can really do wonders...then i continued to bring contractor C around...and finally managed to relax a little...then as i was about to leave for class at 5pm, contractor B comes back and says...can bring me around 1 more time...need to check 1 more thing...
*looked at my watch and said* I have to leave for class already lei...then he said...very fast...10mins only...then i reluctantly obliged...managed to finish...but it was already 5.20pm...confirm late for class...

Rushed out of the office...and reached class at only 6.20pm...sigh...at least Japanese class was good...always fun and enjoyable..came back home after class and went for a good swim...never swam like this before and it felt good! Haha~Guess i'm growing older! HAHAHAHHAAH!! SURE I AM...SOON THAT IS =)

Today sucked big time..but its all PAST TENSE...tomorrow is the FUTURE TENSE and its gonna be SUPERBLY GREAT cos i worked for the $450 i deserved yesterday already...time to slack on now if i can =)

Time to get back to Southpark and prolly get something to munch..havent eaten dinner yet =D



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