Friday, May 26, 2006

Lies and Truths

What is hidden behind the lies? What is hidden behind the truth?
Why do we lie? Why do we tell the truth?

Nobody is perfect and nobody will ever be perfect...we lie to hide our truth and we tell the truth to hide our lies...think i'm bullshitting? Think again...

Somehow, people just like digging into my win some, you lose some...thats all i can say...ever want to know me? Go devise some devious plan and you probably might get something out of it...i'm not kidding...if you are really that good, you can get the answers you want from me...otherwise, go on bitching about me behind my back. Best is not to let me know...ignorance is bliss so i won't even bother about what you say...start rumours? Go my guest. I do not mind getting attention be it good or long as its attention...isn't that what everyone wants in life?

Friend or foe? Either is cool...who wants a life with all friends only...there has to be some backstabbing once in a while to make it more interesting...right?

Ice skating is a good way to forget my problems...only worry is...*try not to fall down*...seeing people do stunts and get envious... O.O i wish i can do that too...well can only dream and think about it but if it ever becomes possible, won't give up a chance...not even 1 bit...

Whats a good achievement today? I did not sleep during lecture today...Ha! Been a while but i finally managed to overcome it...and i actually learnt quite alot by listening to what my lecturer explained...common tests coming up so time to get busy and study!

Oh...watching X-Men 3 tomorrow at the new Cathay Cineplex again...Can't wait for it :)



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