Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sad sad day today....really sad day...

How come my heart is broken into pieces and yet people can't tell?
Do i conceal myself that well that its hard to even know when i am in need of help?

Numb to feelings? That is so not true...i have feelings too...but give me more of yours so i can help you too...

I sms you saying it may be best if we remain as friends because of the abrupt ending of conversation we had...well maybe if i had called you, it would have been more sincere or may have made you feel so much could have screamed at me or cried your hearts out to me...and i would be there to console you...but no...i had to be a stupid sms...
Simply put, i don't have guts...there i said it...totally no guts to face up to reality...

Why don't you let me into your life? I want to know more about you but you didn't allow me...i am not blaming you but just letting you know how i feel...don't bottle up your feelings when it comes to me...because i have many bottles in myself already kept for myself...when its time, these will just "PoP" open and my heart will be crying like never before...

My heart has been shattered...i am at a loss of what to do at this point of time...don't remind me of death because it has crossed my mind for the past 3 years but i have managed to get it out of my head...why do you choose death?
Share it with me...i may be able to lessen the burden that dwells deep within the dark corner of your heart...

I know you do not wish for us to be just "friends"...i can tell from the language you yearn to be more than just that...and that may be just what i want yourself up to me...dont keep it to yourself...its causing you hurt and sadness...i know it so dont deny that fact..

Time may be what you need...time...and i can give you that...but not forever...

When you are ready succumb to the weakness of your heart, let me know...i shall...or i WILL be there to walk that path with matter how rocky it may be, its a path that you and i will have to free :)

Once again...just talk to me when you are ready...ignoring may not be the solution because it can only deepen the wound...*HUGZ*



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