Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My life is a boring one...nothing interesting ever happens...why?
Because...i choose to stay at home instead of going out and search for adventures...

I may have said i have moved on in my life, but truth is, can i? Will I? Do i want to?
Things are easier said than done...because of you, i havent been able to sleep properly for the past few nights. Can it get any worse than this?
I am so lethargic in the day...sleeping during lectures...thats such a bad and rude thing to do...but i cant help it when i get tired can i?

I wonder what happened to people's attitude today...totally off from usual and i don't like it...No no, not one bit...makes me wonder...have i become an even worse person than before? What attributed the change in me? If any of you happen to pass by, maybe you could leave your comments and i would change if its necessary and possible...then again, nothing is impossible

Almost lost my Nike Water Bottle today...i wanted to give up going back for it but thanks to my friends, i managed to retrieve what was supposedly lost and gone forever. But the wierdest thing was, there were pieces of the ceiling on the ground and all over the tables and chairs when i went to take was like the ceiling had just fell! What an unsightly sight that was. I am just too negative! Must be positive..Must be positive! Keep telling myself that and i shall achieve it one day~

After getting back my bottle, it was time to go back home...home sweet home!

What did i do when i reach home? Use my computer...what else?
I have no life :) so you can probably guess

Maplestory was 1st up...when i entered, KS WAR between my guild and another in Mix Stone Golem map in Sleepy that was some fight...words and actions and expressions exchanged...simply bored after a while and i play DOTA :)

Nothing interesting happened today...except people staring again...
People...really...don't you have anything better to look at?
Just stop looking at me for 1 day thats all i ask...thanks



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