Sunday, May 28, 2006

Think less, Smile more

I always complicate the simplest put it simply...i think too much -.-

Whats right in front of me will go past me unnoticed and unrealised until something stops me to look and at that point of time, life comes to a standstill. At times, i may be too observant and see things that i wish i did not which is better? To see or not to see? When do we choose to see and when do we choose to ignore? Typically speaking, to ignore would be the easiest way to go, but prepare to see thousands of knives coming your way :)

Today i was awoken by my brother to prepare to go to church...after changing, i went out of my bedroom and asked..."Where's mum?"
My brother said she left...when he said that, i took it that she had already went off to church without us...i was happy! Could skip mass...but happiness does not last long...15mins later, my mum came up the lift and said lets go to church now...*Hopes Shattered*

It was a wet day...heavy rain in the late morning and early afternoon...which made it a perfect weather to sleep through don't you think? I was supposed to be studying for my test tomorrow...ended up playing Dota...haven't touched games in a whole week so you can't blame me! I am so deprived of games because i don't have the time during the week -.-

When i finally decided to stop playing and go study, i ended up sleeping instead...too lazy! Took an afternoon nap from 3-7pm which was supposed to be study eh? After waking up, it was TV time...all the way till 11.30pm...after which will be my study time till 1am tops =) pretty sure that i will have more than enough distractions as i study..thats how i work i guess =]

Finally decided what i am going to do for my ISP project...the thing was right in front of me but yet i chose to reck my head just to find a topic to do...when it came to my head, i was like...why the hell did i even think so much...time for Las Vegas =)



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