back to school~
Somehow, i felt totally different today, maybe i gained some bit of confidence during the vacation break...Wow...i really should have more breaks then i'll be super confident =DEverything was going well...a pleasant day if i must say ^.^ my brain was working and i was able to give ideas, ideas and more ideas for the project...something which i would not be able to do during the holidays =
1st thing when i reached school, i was earliest as usual...then lecturer asked me...
Lecturer: "Have you started the project i gave you?"
Me: "No, not 1 bit.."
Lecturer: "Then you won't have enough time to complete it right?"
Me: "I'm sure i got enough time, we still have other projects dateline due earlier than yours.."
Lecturer: "I gave mine earlier than theirs right?"
Me: "No, given at same time but i do theirs 1st"
Silence for a while......
Lecturer: "So how do you think you did for the test?"
Me: "I'm sure i failed for it.."
Lecturer: "No la...cannot be...let me check...i don't think you can fail..."
(He too much faith in me =\)
Me: "(said me name)..."
Lecturer: "Which class you from?"
Me: "(said my class)"
Lecturer: " really fail...47 marks"
Me: "See...expected it...studied wrong things ma...even you give so much hints...i don't like memorising modules..."
Failed the expected, passed the rest of the tests as expected...well i failed by 3 marks... 47/100...3 marks to pass...which is only 0.6% of my overall marks...there will be a retest, but i won't be going to take it...don't see a need when its only 3 marks difference...all i got to do is pass my project by 3 marks and i pass my exam...that will give me a pass for the entire module...see everything already calculated...Ha!~Good to a certain extent, can help me set my goals ^.^
So far, i got a B,C and a fail...tsk tsk...still have 1 more test result to go...don't think i will fail that..but we shall see...
Had Japanese class today...Hell...I really love this the dee da...i want to go to Japan i am watching television...Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy...
Time for me to continue enjoying my shows =)
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