Monday, October 16, 2006


Been a long time since i last posted...well i'm waiting for my song download now *OPPS* so i decided to blog while waiting...

Well, today is the 1st day of school...end of a long holiday...reluctant for it to end but all good things have to come to an end...and its about time i think...any longer and i might go blind soon..why? Simple...over mapling i am at lvl 104...still hella low lvl...i hate my char for being so weak...sad sad sad...i wasted so much time and money on maple during holidays while other ppl are out working...

Money draining and draining even more...soon my well will go dry...and i dont wish for that to what do i do now? SAVE!! I have to start saving already...for now, i quit maple...well thats me i guess...when school reopens i quit maple...cos maple takes too much time...and its only the 1st day and i feel so lethargic already...i have to get back my energy...

My timetable is very packed now...i brought it upon myself i guess...i'm taking 2 languages now...actually i'm more of excited to get started with languages...and my 1st lesson began today, as usual, Japanese is on Monday...but now on wednesdays, i have German....yes, thats my new the only days i end early are on tuesdays and thursdays...but i start school it doesnt really make a difference...

Many things happened during the holidays...i experienced things that none of you would ever experience...i am pretty pretty sure about this when i say it =)

Now i cant wait for the year end holidays...cos many things gonna be happening and its the 1st time for me...YES 1st time again...GeeZ...why is everything the "1st" time for me a i'm not but i just stay home too much...i never experience singapore although i was born here and have livin here for 18yrs of my life...Talk about Sentosa...when was the last time i went there? Cant remember...the Zoo...that i can remember...2 or 3yrs ago i think...Bird Park, idea...and the Night Safari...MmmmMm....prolly 8 or 10yrs ago...

The closer we are to the place, the less we even bother going to it...that would probably why i dont like to live here in this small island called Singapore...i'm jealous of Hawaii...although its Earthquake/Volcanic/Tsunami etc prone area...its small also and so much nicer? I wonder if the people living in Hawaii would think the same way if they visited Singapore...they may like it here and dislike it there...sigh...guess thats how we are...never contented with what is around us...always wanting to get something which might be beyond our reach...

Something which is very dear to me and i do not wish to lose...lost if gone...never wanna leave i guess...

>.<"" My bloggin always go all around the place...if u get my meaning...messy!!

Well...i'm sleepy already...still gotta get up at 6am is such a drag..or not...



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