Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Just For U to KnOw!

How long have we been together? 4mths+...seems like a long time..but yet it can be so fragile...everything ended in a flash...

No mere words can explain how i felt whenever we were together...alice in wonderland you could say...each time i am with u, i never wanna leave u...i wanna hold u ever so tightly...its like if i left u, i would be parting with my life...life has become so draggy when i dont have u around...with u, my life comes to a standstill...everything is just PERFECT...

It all ended too fast...or should i say i ended it too fast? I'm sorry for everything but its just that i dont have the time unlike during holidays...its like what u said...i think i'm treating u like a toy...when i need u, i'll be with u...or else u will just be tossed aside...guess i aint that good afterall...my weekdays are so packed...i dont ever have time on weekdays cos i brought it upon myself to be busy? Pretty dumb right? What about weekends? I get so tired during the weekdays that i just seriously dont feel like going out in the weekends except sit infront of my com and play games to waste my life away instead of spending time with u...

U ask why i keep things to myself? Cos i have been keeping everything to myself for the longest time ever...its a matter of trust i guess...who do i feel i trust? I SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW...its obvious why...i seldom talk with my family...or at least we exchange 2-3 sentences per day at least thats all...

I never blog about our outings cos what we do i keep it in my heart...deep down in my heart...i dont need other people interferring into my life...memories are kept and locked up...they will be released when that time comes..

I planned many many things for us...but who knew this would be the end of it all...it breaks my heart as much as it breaks urs...i didnt wish for it but i think it would be best for u if i hurt u now by breaking with u than holding on and hurting u more...i aint that perfect someone...there is bound to be better around...u returned my presents to try and forget me...i didnt want them back but u still returned them...maybe u should have kept them and thought of it this way: "Freebies from a jerk...why not keep or maybe sell it"...ok enough with the sacarsm...know ur gonna be hurt again after reading that...my bad..my fault...i feel stupid, i feel dumb...i dont know how to love someone for real...i dont know how to take care of someone...

The ring will be our bond forever...even if we are no longer together...believe me when i say...

There was no 3rd party that made me break with u i can assure u of that...i am just not able to cope with so many things at one go...pls move on in life...and if u ever need someone to talk to i will be there for u...or at least i WILL try...

Love will find a way.....to u...for u...



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