Thursday, January 04, 2007


Life is all about setbacks...setbacks and more setbacks...its how we are able to get over it that makes us stronger...

(Sing U2 style) Its a beautiful dayyyyyyy......or at least it back another common test paper...i expected to fail this super single digit score...but to my surprise, i only failed by 1 miserable can that be...but hey its all cool...lady luck was on my side i guess...i think i should have failed this paper...majority failed and i'm one of the least i'm not minority =x

After 1 lesson was breaktime...went to the canteen to order...i point point point point point...then the woman said $4.50!!!!!!! OMG SO FREAKING EX...*SLAP* dun anyhow point nxt time...then it was time for lecture after that...

Was hoping to get into IAP...but wont get in cos of some stupid criteria and they pick people of their own choice...well...heres my wish to them...i hope their bosses when deciding who to fire...they get lucky enough to get picked...or when its raining outside...they get lucky enough to get struck down by lightning...or they cross the road, get lucky enough to get run over by a huge truck or bus and their skull splattered all over the floor...hmmm what else can i think of...oh yea...when they climb the stairs till the final step at the top, they get lucky enough to trip and roll all the way down breaking their spine so they get paralyzed for life...remain a vege please thx...dont really need u around...i pick u to be my cursed soul...

The old way was better...why did they have to choose and use us as guinea pigs...TOO CUTE RIGHT SO CAN PLAY AROUND WITH US...well...fuck that thought...messing with the wrong cuties..laadeedaaa...

How dark can our souls actually be...the kindest on the outside may be the worst kinda devils you may never ever expect...and the worst devils on the outside may be the most useless kind of idiots alive

O.O Go FiGuRe O.O



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