I PASSED MY JLPT 4!! I am soooooo happy...now i can apply for a job with this cert..kekeke!!~
Anywayz...started work already..very very tired so i dont feel like typing...gotta go to bed and be up at 6.30am every morning....work starts at 8.30am and ends at 6pm...well...time to go off...by the way..work is fun =D
Self blabber
I accomplished something today...I CLEANED UP MY ROOM!
Been a while and i think my table looks so much emptier now cos of all the books gone =) I always clean up after a semester's work..gonna start work next week...feeling excited but yet having mixed emotions cos of some thoughts i seriously need to get out of my mind -.-
We live to die. Thats the only thing that is sooooo true without any arguements about that statement.
LiFe sUx yea? Totally!
Hmm...why do people avoid after getting into something weird?
FEAR has to be the only reason why...cant we just face up to it?
Avoiding only makes things worse for everyone -.-
Face up to the problems pls...dun keep running...i see no point to it
I know when people avoid me(its kinda like a sixth sense cos i start the things =X)
Do you dare? =) ladeedaa ^.^
Chinese New Year
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL. REMEMBER ITS THE YEAR TO BE FAT FAT FAT! COS ITS PIGGY'S YEAR =) Dont bother about losing weight...obesity is the way to go cos the lard owns this year =p
What have i been doing? Practically nothing...just rotting at home...playing my com games as usual cos i have nothing else to do...i should be out visiting relatives? Nah...not my custom! HAHA!~
Yesterday my pooch gave me a deep scratch! My bitch was so excited and she did that to me...i didnt bother cleaning the wound to see what would happen...now i think my wound looks cool! The blood stained inside the skin with the line across it! MajOr COOL(maybe i have rabies now) HAHA! Hope i get some kinda viral infection then i can mutate and get supernatural powers!(Wishful thinking LOL!)
Time to go back to rotting again =\
Later on still gotta get up early to catch the "LIVE" telecast of "The Amazing Race: All Stars" edition..kekeke~
Cant wait for it...for now..i'll occupy myself with some things before going to bed..
PEACE OUT DUDES~(omg where did this come from O.O)
What a weird day! >.<
Ok...i am feeling super super tired now..i havent had enough sleep...was supposed to sleep at 2am yesterday before my paper...i laid on my bed and rolled about till around 3.30am...i just couldnt get to sleep...ended up waking up at 4.30am cos i had to do more revision as i didnt know anything still...i got up and revised...all the way till it was time to get ready to go to school...
Finally the paper began...and i was at a total loss...i just didnt know how to do it!
Sigh...time passed by and i tried my best to attempt the questions...all i know is that loads of marks have been deducted...so the paper ends...and thats the end of my exams! I went home after my paper...
On the way back home, i took a different route from usual so i passed by the HDB blocks...on the way, some crazy ahpek just walked down the stairs...i was approaching the stairs and he started looking at me with those weird looks...i was a lil scared...so i jus pretended to ignore him and walked past him...suddenly, he gave a remark which astonished me...he said "yandao leh"...In my heart i was thinking: "WTF DID I JUST HEAR THAT?!!? OMG OMG!!" I started quickening my pace...luckily he didnt follow...crazy ahpek trying to scare me after i jus finished my stressful paper...
I went to the coffee shop on the way to buy my lunch cos my parents are back in Malaysia already and iamfreetodowadiwant cos they arnt around =) but even if they are around i still get to do what i want...i have enough freedom...alot or actually almost all the freedom anyone could ever ask for...
I went back home and prepared the takeaway lunch and switched on my JDorama to watch while eating...finally finished watching the entire show of "Queens Classroom"...wonder how much i actually cried watching this show...so touching =x
After watching, i went to play DOTA for a while before i had to make my way back to school for my IAP briefing...YES I AM ATTACHED TO A COMPANY ALREADY =D I AM SO HAPPY
I left home at 3.45pm and was late for the briefing lol...but i was only 5mins late =) but late is still late...it was supposed to start at 4.30pm but it only begun at 5pm cos there were many others who were late...after the de-brief, i am more and more excited to start work ASAP! I CANT WAIT!!~
After that, my fren had smsed me to go out to catch a movie...i initially denied the invitation...then after reaching NP busstop, i had a change of heart and decided to join my friends...we had dinner at Billy Bombers before catching the movie...
We watched "Ghost Rider"...ITS A SUPERB SHOW! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED...The actor when young was handsome(ugly throughout the rest of the movie after he had grown up lol) and the actress was pretty(both young and after matured in the movie)...Of cos non of them could beat the Ghost Rider(the fiery skull lookin freak) THATS THE SEXIEST CHARACTER! Oh yea nice movie...excellent...after the movie, it was already 11.30am...was tired already so i wanted to go back home...but before going back, i went into Cheers at Cineleisure to get a bottle of mineral water...the queue was quite long so i joined the queue...while waiting, this young couple behind me was chatting...then the girl halfway tapped on me and said "Nice hairstyle"...i was taken aback by that statement...then her boyfriend said "yea its nice"...i got stunned...my reaction was "Huh?? Oh thanks..." Still feeling kinda awkward...finally it was my turn and i couldnt wait to leave the place...spare me the embarrassment...i thought my friends had already left but they were waiting for me outside...thanks for waiting although it wasnt necessary cos we were going different ways...we left and went back..i went to MacDonalds to get food for my brother...supper =) i couldnt control my temptation also so i bought myself a set too even though i wasnt hungry at all...now i feel soooo sinful...so fattening!!
I still havent digested my food till now cos its only past like 1hr+ after i ate...i am soooo sleepy! Ok i have to repeat this again...I AM SO SLEEPY THAT I AM GONNA SLEEP TILL AT LEAST 12PM LATER ON...
Well thats all for this entry i guess...my hair has also dried already so i can go take my good nap finally...been up for 40hrs+ already...Good day and good night to all...
To all my frens out there...I love every moment spent together cos its an enjoyable time everytime...let our friendship last for good =)
Totally screwed -.-
I am so gonna flunk my paper later on...cant seem to understand majority of it...all i can do now is...
PRAY!!!! -.-"
Should i sleep or should i not...should i or should i not!! GeeZ...let me go back to studyin before i decide whether i should sleep or not >.<
Havent started studyin for final paper -.-"
Time to panic!
Tomorrow is my final paper and it starts at 9am..i havent started any single revision yet! EeEeeKkkkssSS!!
I cant fail that paper...or else i am screwed...i spent my day watching JDorama and playing DOTA again...supposed to be watching AI now but i think i'll give it a pass for tonight...so i can get into studying...
My attachment is finalised and there will be a meeting for it tomorrow...only downside of it...it starts at 4.30pm~ I have soooooo much time before it...gotta plan my day for tomorrow...should i go ice skating =\
Hmmm...well time to get serious on the books already...BEST OF LUCK TO ALL MY FRENS
P.S. I am never generous with praises so starting from now onwards, i will try and give it whenever i can...
Valentines day O.o
Its the season of LOVE...its supposed to be a beautiful day...where florists can charge absurd prices for their prices and gifts...chocolates are also absurdly charged...hmmm..actually everything is absurdly charged on any special occassion...
I woke up from bed at around 11am...then lazed(is there even such a word? =x) on for a couple more hours before i decided to get out of bed...after i got out of bed, i watched my Japanese drama..."Queens Classroom" !!RECOMMENDED!! If this ever happened in real life, i think the kid would be soooooo pitiful...i dont think any kid could actually sustain that kinda pressure put on them...watch to find out about it!
After watching for 4hrs+, i played DOTA and then it was time to go out for my reunion dinner...we always celebrate early cos my parents have to go back to malaysia to visit my father's side...so there~
V Day will be over in 40mins from my time =)
Good day ^^
Well i said i was gonna start studyin after i blogged yesterday but apparently that didnt happen...cos i ended up listening to music and recording music from YouTube(*OPPS*)...by the time i was done with that, it was already 12midnight...so i started proper revision at that time...i was all psyched up cos i was in a rush to get everything in...and i did!
My 1hr of proper concentration paid off...i stopped at around 1am although i didnt feel sleepy...so i went to read my comic before taking my nap...i slept for a long long time...like really long...was supposed to get up at 9am to start back my revision for the paper but i felt lazy...so while i was still halfasleep on my bed, i started reciting out what i had memorised without looking at my lecture notes because i was lazy to leave my bed to get it...surprisingly, i had memorised alot alot alot of points already...i didnt miss out anything important...so i slept till 11am instead...then woke up and got ready to go to school~
I took my own sweet time and left home at around 12.30pm...lucky my father fetched me to school...i am super short of funds at this point of time...i went to the library after my father sent me to school...wanted to register for my next japanese class...but i didnt have enough cash! Sigh...this had never happened before...seriously i have overspent my limits..i am desperate for $$$ and i might do anything to get it(anything DOESNT include robbing,stealing,cheating etc)
When it was time to read through the paper, i read through the paper slowly and even though we could start writing already, i was still reading my question paper...taking my own beautiful sweet time...i started writing only at around 2.15pm...15mins after the paper had begun...when my mind is in an all relaxed state, i seem to be able to think better...
Guess venting yesterday's night post was the right thing for me to do or else i have no idea what would happen today =) The paper went well and i was fretting over nothing...
The true method of studying is not how long you spend studying but actually how much actually goes in...dumdeedaaaa~~i am happy now but of course, friday's paper will be a different case...i will have to study for that...i still got tomorrow and thursday to prepare for that paper...i have no idea what i am gonna be doing for the 2 days because i feel really bored of games now =\
Why does it have to come to this every holiday now? I get bored of playing games during the holidays but during school days, i cant have enough time to play games and i am so addicted...i throw away my social life during school days just for games...that is just majorly stupid and i have learnt that...i will try to not make a repeat of it this time round...
After i came home from my paper, i started playing DOTA till earlier 9pm where i watched tv...i found a new show to watch...its called "Hanna Montana" on Disney Channel...both girls are just soooooooooooooooo pretty and cute and they speak such GOOD english...i really wanna speak like them...their accent is just sooo....ooolala~cant wait to catch more of "Hanna Montana"...
Now i am just gonna listen to songs and enjoy my night alone in my room...ttyl~
(When i finished writing this entry, Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol was being played on 98.7fm..superb song ^^)
Countdown to paper...
Countdown to my 1st exam paper...approx 17hrs to go...
I had planned to really settle down and start my revision for tomorrow's paper...BUT I CANT!
I got tooooo many freakin things going on in my damn stupid pathetic puny itsy winsy godforsaken brain...WHAT I REALLY NEED IS TO GO THROUGH BRAINWASHING!!
YES!!!! THATS IT!! THATS WHAT I WANT...Hmmmm...should i or should i not? I risk getting what i may not what...gotta calculate everything well before even planning to do it yea?
My wish for now...LIBERALITY ~.~
Sheeshh...i want to start studyin but i cant...i'm so afraid to fail tomorrow's paper but what can i do? I just cant freaking concentrate...
My day has been wasted...i lied on my bed for hours and hours and hours and even more hours...
So thats it for me i guess...i like doing stupid things. ストカさん僕です。。。ららら~
明日みんながんばる!それからまたね =\
-OUT- (オウット)
Drinking alot!
Friday was out drinking again...wasnt supposed to but it still happened eventually...we went shopping initially then after that decided to go drinking at night...it was still early and we were hungry so we decided to have dinner 1st...ate at wassatplacecalled...geez...cant remember...cos its the 1st time i went there to eat...lol! POOR MEMORY! Its not like this place isnt know to many people...its quite familiar...only i cant seem to remember it now! Sheesh~~
Anyway...after dinner, we went to walk around more before going to lan...and after 2hrs of lan session, we went to find a place to drink...cab drivers seriously sux when it is after 10.30pm..they love LYING! Anywayz...we finally managed to get a cabby...then made our way down to Scotts(i think)...wanted to go "Ballymoon" to drink but apparently it was having an event there...and all the other pubs around the area were super crowded(cos its a friday night! everyone angmoh wan to drink)...we say another place nearby "Ba-Li-Ba" which we did not want to go in cos there were poledancers inside(yea interesting right? sorry wrong channel from me ^^)...we walked down Orchard to Wisma...there was a bar there so we decided to go there...didnt expect it to be "IndoChine/Nude"...it was full there too but we managed to get a seat...so we drank there and chatted till about 2am...thats when we were forced to leave cos they were closing...so we left and sat along Orchard and chatted a while more till like 2.30am if i remember correctly...and we parted...took a cab back and it costs alot(cos of extra midnight charge)...slept at around 4am+++ after my bath...
Woke up at around 9am...cos i was gonna have my haircut...waited at the saloon from 10.40am to around 12pm before it was finally my turn! Had my hair cut and colored...by the time i was done it was about 2am already...so i rushed back to get ready to go and meet my friends again...met them at approx 3.30pm...went shopping at Queensway this time...walked around till 5.30pm+ i think...then we left for my frens place before going to dinner...we reached PS at around 8.40pm to have dine at "Thai Express"...dinner came at around 9.20pm and we sat till around 10.20pm before leaving for clubbing...went to Clarke Quay...clubbed at "Clinic" instead of MOS cos MOS still had a queue at the time we went there...Clinic wasnt that bad although it was full of Caucasians and people far from my age...i am too guillable! Danced and drank our way through the night...it was fun. Did my other frens have fun too? I wonder =\
Anyway...left the club at about 3.30am...then we sat around nearby UE2 till around 4.40am++...and walked a lil further distance more before deciding to go back...by the time i reached home, it was about 5.30am already...i took my bath and went to bed...it was around 6.30am when i went to sleep...i slept till about 4pm today....
When i woke up...i wanted to start studying...but i didnt...instead i switched on my television and watched till now...so i havent started studying exactly...guess i cant stick to my plans...i'm still in a play mode although my exam paper is on tuesday...panicky but i still cant get my mind set to studying...i am so sleepy now...but i am gonna get up tomorrow at 8.30am...cos i'm watching "Grammy awards" at 9am tomorrow morning...HAH!! WHEN WILL I STUDY...HELP!!$@#!
Drunk post? NO!
Been a while since my last post...feeling a lil high now...people say i drunk lei...but i NOT!! 110% NOT!! Then again...if i say that people only will say "a drunk person will never say he's drunk" so i shall say...YES I AM DRUNK! laadeedaaaa....
Whats been happening? Many many things...went shopping and spent a lot...alot alot alot!! My spending habits is coming back which is not a good thing because i dont have $$$...oh geez...my clothes smell of ciggy now..cos i jus went drinking...
Went for an interview on Monday at URA...was pretty nervous at 1st but it wasnt that bad afterall...they didnt eat me i can assure u of that(or i wouldnt be here now =D)...had to wear formal...looked pretty fine and dandy in the clothes(shirt chosen by somebody O.O) Harharhar~
The only problem was the shoes...caused me a blister! GeeZ...thats so not good...OUCH!
Hmmmmm....i got nothing else to say except my exams coming up next week...I HAVE TO STUDY! Only i cant...so i have to try!
Wish me luck =)