Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines day O.o

Its the season of LOVE...its supposed to be a beautiful day...where florists can charge absurd prices for their prices and gifts...chocolates are also absurdly charged...hmmm..actually everything is absurdly charged on any special occassion...

I woke up from bed at around 11am...then lazed(is there even such a word? =x) on for a couple more hours before i decided to get out of bed...after i got out of bed, i watched my Japanese drama..."Queens Classroom" !!RECOMMENDED!! If this ever happened in real life, i think the kid would be soooooo pitiful...i dont think any kid could actually sustain that kinda pressure put on to find out about it!

After watching for 4hrs+, i played DOTA and then it was time to go out for my reunion dinner...we always celebrate early cos my parents have to go back to malaysia to visit my father's there~

V Day will be over in 40mins from my time =)



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