Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A little goes a long way...

I woke up at 1pm today! How cool is that? Do you get to do that often? NO!~ So its a great thing to be proud of...although its not really a great thing because 1/2 a day is already wasted...the sun is already high up in the sky shinning on my butt and i still haven't woken up =\ well not exactly...because my curtains are drawn so it forever feels like evening in my room :) unless its night of course...well i slept at 3am because i was watching some hilarious japanese variety brother told me about it last night and asked me to watch it so i did...Just couldn't stop laughing...whats the show? Hard Gay!
This crazy guy dresses up in mini leather shorts(or underwear no idea) and a tight leather vest roams around the streets and offices starting off..."UFOOooo....Domo...hardo gay desu"..."SAY!SAY!SAY!"OMG FREAKING HILARIOUS GUY!!~ You people should really watch this...go and search for 'bakafish'...watched all the episodes already...just couldn't stop laughing while watching it...kinky guy :P

Why does kneeling down to somebody seem such a big deal to the chinese? I seriously wonder...wait...maybe because people have too big an ego so kneeling down to somebody means you bring yourself lower than that person and you make that person feel almighty? He has power over you now have knelt down to him! big an effect can that be? Its only kneeling down...

I spent my whole day playing games because i'm off paper...only difference is..i got 2 papers tomorrow...i had planned for revision but i ended up playing from the time i woke up till now! I haven't started studying for tomorrow's paper and i'm starting to panic paper is at 9am! I have to start my revision already...or else i will really be short of time...



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