Sunday, July 23, 2006

2 days of home...tiredddddd

Saturday woke up late late late! Cos i want to sleep sleep sleep!! I GOT 12 hours of cool is that..but...the downside of that is..the more i sleep, the more tired i the body don't ever wanna get up from my beautiful tatami bed...

Got up to play maplestory...managed to get 2 lvls in 1 day for my fire mage...from 34-36...should have spent much much less time if it wasn't for those idiotic kids in the game who think they are so godlike when they only have lvl 40+ chars...pathetic...i bring my sniper in they run away like are stupid! BaH!~

Then at night, i went to do my ABT Project...i use my camera take stupid white orbish thingy come out on the pictures...i couldn't use i asked my friend who semi photoshop expert if she could remove those...she requested me to send her the i did...was hoping for good news because she said it could actually be done...then later bad news couldnt be done cos the stupid white orbish flash was too big...if she removed it, the details would be it cant be all the suggestions came use scanner...i have...but missing cable, missing cd. Cant be installed...keep a big item for wad then? Collect dust of course XD...then bo bian still got so many would be next day then take the pictures under normal conditions without i left it at there and went to sleep...

Woke up today...Sunday go to church..missed the last 2 weeks because i purposely stayed out late into the night so i could sleep at around 4am in the morning and skip church the next day...kinda lame right...after that was breakfast cum lunch at Mcdonalds...

After that, go home to maple...managed to get my fire mage to lvl 37...after 4hrs...then i went to take the pictures for my ABT. Take for a while..then transferred to my com..opened and saw...they were damn i couldn't use i decided to retake...then i see my camera...NO BATTERY...OMG! So i had to charge them..was feeling tired too so i went to take a short nap...only i couldn't sleep as the ground was cold and my hands and body began to feel i took the batteries out to see if they were done...enough to take some shots...lucky for me...then i put them in the report and finally managed to get the report i went to watch "Bring it on" which was showing on channel 5...this would be probably the 50++ time i watched it..never get sick of it...cheerleading is just cool! Wish i could learn the moves..yea yea!~
Then after the show, took a shower and back to projects..for a while...then back to TV...Las Vegas...and then back to projects...troublesome eh...talking to my friend on msn...alot of friends...couldn't take a break for a my friend sent me this:
Lame video haha...go watch it and be a lamer as well :P
Still got a long day at school tomorrow...



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