Skipped my ABT retest i had alot of time to sleep =PGot up at around myself ready and listened to some music before leaving for school at 11.15+am...reached school at 12pm and went to the down and did some work before lecture started at 1pm...lecture lecture...then tutorial...had presentations during tutorial, 2 groups presented...quality of work of both groups were of different standards...totally different standards...well, who am i to judge.
Seems to me that...the phrase 'who are you to judge' can really shut a person =) I have been using it so often recently...and those that judge others should look at themselves 1st before they make comments =
After tutorial, went to the library to complete my japanese assignments...and then 1/2 an hour before my japanese class started, i went to the canteen to get some food to munch along the way...while walking down the stairs, this I****N man ran behind me so fast...then he slowed down and tailed behind my back...and started mumbling some words...i felt irritated so i moved to the side...and he followed behind me...fucking idiotic i walked even faster...and the bastard still followed behind me...then i went to the bench where there were alot of people and sat down...and looked at him...he looked at me then pretended to walk away...sickening assclown...
I ate my tako-pachi then...finished it and went to class...shimata ne...testo wa ooi no misu desu...zannen desuyo...tabun mata kanji no quizzu wa ganbarimasu...te-form wa amari wakarimasen...Nihon no class owari desu kara kairu yo...
Met my ice skating friend on the bus...and we chatted about ice skating...reached home, ate dinner and watched some tv...i skipped desperate housewives because it was more reruns up will be grey's i will be watching that..tomorrow will be a short day :) 4 hours of school...but i think its going to be a self introduction i shall get myself ready for that first...
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