Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Today i woke up early and left for school at around 11am although my class only starts at 1pm...on the way to the bus-stop, i passed through the normal route, under some HDB blocks...only this time...hella load of cockroaches around...big big ones...some dead some alive, dead ones lay flat on the floor with the legs inwards above their bodies...*Ew thinking about it gives me the creeps*...and those that lived...were crawling about...on the floor and walls...chotto kowaii desuyo!~ Totally gross...disgusting...unsightly...YUCKS! Freaking hell...i hate fumigation...and roaches...they should be freaking extinct from this planet...they don't serve any purpose except be a pest to us...YUCKSssss...Whats more, as i was walking, this mother was teaching her small kid, whom she just fetched from school...how to kill roaches...step step step...and her kid was following...around her, i saw at least 10-15 dead roaches...sheesh...people with low education come up with the weirdest things O.O

Arrived in school and i sat down to do my tutorial...until i got stuck at one question...and i got stuck stuck stuck...time was running out so i left for my class...just 2 questions left undone...

IS class was fun as usual...funny to be exact...this is the 2nd kind of class that makes me smile and smile non-stop...the 1st would be my japanese class ^.^
Best thing was...lecturer said she would be inviting a japanese lecturer to class next week to give a talk on japanese etiquette...tanoshii desuyo...dare ga kimasu ka...sa...raishyuu wa mite desu!

Class ended 1hr earlier..so i went to the library to continue doing the tutorial...stuck at the 1st question and couldn't complete it...gave up and went home instead at 5.15pm...feeling of failure overran me...because i couldn't complete my work!@

Bah...came back and played maplestory instead...didn't play long because i didn't have much time...spent 1hr to lvl to 25 only...so pathetic...still got 5 more levels till next job...
Seriously...kids are really irritating+stupid+act big...primary school kids really have to learn alot...or they will get themselves into a huge load of shit next time...anyway, now i have alot of time...should be doing projects instead...but i think i'll be playing CS or maybe maple...don't know which...but ya...i'll be gaming so...



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