Thursday, July 27, 2006

3 in 1 superbly long...get coffee 1st i ain't bloggin as much as i used to unlike from the beginning...thats why the title= the beginning or the end...because everything has a start and an ending...not that i'm ending it now...still too premature at this point...probably reached the peak and slowing down at this economics...start,zooming,peak, then slow gradually...ladeeda...rubbish talk -.-

Monday was O.O My ABT project was naturally i had to hand it in...i had done most of my part...actually majority of it was done by me...and me the quality of work=shitty :P THANK YOU VERY MUCH. MOST APPRECIATED ^^
I asked another group member to add in a small tiny minor microscopic part to the project and he did...erm...i shall not say it...if u are smart enough u would guess wad i wan to say...then i asked another member to print, 1 that hasn't done anything in the entire he asks and asks and asks...all on how to print, where to print...BaH!~ I got pretty pissed off...but i dont show it of course...what do i do? i take it all in like a stupid idiot punching bag...thats what i always do...i take in alot of rubbish because my tolerance level toward idiots=very very high...ended up he asked me to follow him to print...but i didn't follow him :) i asked the other guy to follow him...and he we need a file for this? I'm like...DUH OF COURSE! YOU WISH TO JUST STAPLE THE THING AND HAND UP LIKE NORMAL ASSIGNMENTS? YOU GOTTA BE FREAKIN KIDDIN ME! THIS IS A PROJECT! P-R-O-J-E-C-T! Even if you dont show respect to the lecturer, at least show some respect to yourself thanks >.<
I take pride in my work...i do them well(only if i am doing it myself and nobody else is in the group =P) if i am sharing my marks and doing alone, i slack off by at least 50%...maybe even more...because there is no motivation for me to open listing for real estate agents...only if u study then u will get what i am driving at ^^
HA! I actually sound pretty pissed off by posting like this? NOooooo....i'm happy...because its all past...past past past..i dont dwell on these minor pathetic issues...shorten my life =P
Now i always have 2hrs before my japanese lessons..but i always end up sleeping for 1/2 an hr in the library...then continue my work...CaN you help it? Its a monday and class starts at 9am till 8pm for me -.-" 11hrs in school...even longer than normal working hours...only i am paying for this instead of getting paid :P
Met my ice skating friend in japanese class...almost 1 whole semester pass and i finally realise that she was there...and it is the 2nd last lesson for the week would be the test...SAIGO NO CLASS! I have to pass with at least an A or B or else i wont be happy with my japanese grade :(...must work hard hard to get it...Next year i'll be aiming for JLPT 4 certificate...although its the most basic, its the stepping stone for crapping again...

TUESDAY! IS CLASS! Before going to school, i had planned a long list of activities to do before going to school to meet friends...wanted to wake up at 8.30am ended up sleeping till 9.30am...only managed to do 1 activity out of the few i had i went to do it 1st before making my way to school...then meet friends in the library to discuss the presentation for later's class...Today was on formal wear for job interview...What i wore was so...EeeYyUhhH...there was just something wrong about my attire...pants with pelts are just soooooooooooooo not me...flat fronted pants suit me better...and my shoes were so tight...Exact legs totally hurt...why these problems? wardrobe malfunction? NO! Those weren't mine..only the shirt was my very very own...which i actually liked quite alot...the pants was my brother's...and the shoes was my fathers...sigh...i need to get my own set of formal wear clothes set that flatters my body...woooOoo...nice nice =After class, i rushed home feeling light and great and SO FREE! simply because my projects were near to an end...1 MORE LAST ONE AND I AM FREE!!!! SOOOO FREEEE!!!
When i reached home, i immediately switched on my computer to maple...and got my mage to lvl 38...was so happy! YAY CAN FINALLY USE MY DARK STARLIGHT! *BANG* Dismay instead of happiness...20 fame needed to use it...and i only had i decided to buy some fame...only to realise it was too late in the i cant buy are asleep already -.-
I decided to go to coolie map to lvl my sniper...then an idiot came to ks...some stupid little kiddo who ksed and then later hum away to start talking shit...because my friend had called his friends to come..that stupid little kid then said he was a lawyer and other bullshit bullshiz and more bullshitznutzeru..and i asked him some law questions and he couldnt answer...lOl!! Typical idiot...MY COURSE REB IS GREAT I LEARN LAW,ECONS,MARKETING ETC! LOL I CAN TEST PEOPLE ON ALL THESE...NOW I AM BEGINNING TO LOVE THIS COURSE ^^
Ended up sleeping at 2am....mapled all the way till that time...

Today, wednesday...I TalK more crap, more shITz, more RubbiSH...thats what i have been doing these few days...something wrong with me? No!~ This is me...the real real me..instead of the quiet "white" boi boi who sits quietly and arrives early always...i am a noisy but i know my limits, rubbish talker this i dont know my limits, like making friends only i dont make the 1st move...etc etc etc etc etc etc...yes there are alot of etc...i wear many many masks...
Morning i came to school early as usual...BIM 1st lesson...teacher start lesson...i miss 1st part...cant catch up then i asked teacher question after question and he got pissed with me(can hear the tone of his voice changing)!SCREW U LA! U TEACHER MUST TEACH RIGHT! NOT HAPPY GO CLEAN TOILET BOWL AND FACE IT LA! WHEN U WAN TO TALK TO IT JUST FLUSH TOILET AND IT WILL REPLY U WITH "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa"!
Then after that tone change in voice i dun ask him anymore questions le...because i inside also pissed liao...faster finish lesson better...see ur face i more pek chek ar...kNs pUiZzz..
After that, lunch break...i ate char kway teow...full liao le...then i dunno why i still go buy 2 char siew sou+2 egg tart...bring to lecture theatre and eat...
Eat 1 char siew sou sibei full liaO le...but i still force myself to finish everything...ended up i so so so so soooooo stomach like overpumped ballon liao le..gonna *BOOM* then u can see all the intestines splattered all over the place ^^ CooL RiTEZzz...

After class ended still must go citylink mall do project...reach there, we start counting many people sia...ok this is for project not count for fun de ok...i count in 5mins got more than 300 people walk past me liao...power hor..traffic flow very good...after that, we walked through the "mall"...then walk past breadtalk...i wanted to buy cheesecake!! I lUb sOfT...practically melts in my mouth...OoOooOooo...then i never buy...stupiD thinking back of it...I HUNGRY FOR CHEESECAKE LIAO!

Eee...this gonna be very very long>>>>>>Fast Forward...all the way to the time where we went to Marina Square to eat Carls Jr...i tried the Beef Chilli Cheese Fries...NOT BAD!! Cheap and nice...big big portion also...$3.90 niA~
I siao siao de full from earlier still eat the end i so full again...then after that walk around Marina Square...then i buy Famous Amos cookies...Double cHoc Chip..thats my favourite...although look black like coal, but the taste is...ExQuIsite~YUMZ YuMz!~
Oh...i bought a new japanese drama before the fast forward :P have no idea wad it is about and i havent watched it...will watch it during these weekends i hope...
After that, time to go home...i took express 502 was a very very front station, actually it was almost the start of the route...from the esplanade...but still quite crowded...lucky i managed to get a seat...i slept on the bus...when i woke up, the bus was TOTALLY CROWDED! NeverminD like i actually gib a fuk about those other people i go back to sleep...until i reach my stop ^^...walking home, i thought about wad i was gonna do...and only 1 thing came to my mind...MAPLE! so i did...played maple...spent 1hr buying stupid...finally managed to wear my dark goal=getting level 43 to wear maple lama staff ={ how long will it take i wonder >.<
Played till 9pm then time for tv all the way until 10pm where i took a break from tv to take a bath...then 10.30pm continue with project runway^^ then blog now...


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