Tuesday, August 01, 2006

End of projects...

Hmmm...sunday was a normal day...maybe not so normal...cos i went to a different church, ate at a different breakfast place and shopped at a different place for groceries...but the amount spent was almost the same as usual...i wish i had alot alot of money...cos when i go shopping for groceries, i like to do 2 things only:
"Oh nice!", *take and put into shopping cart*
I cant resist from doing that...i take and take and take...and my cart gets so full...and the bill is a heafty sum too =Went home after that and switched on "Tokyo Drift" immediately...my friend lent me ^^...watch and watch...until the final exciting part...*zitt zitt*...the disk spoil! Can't watch the final part =(
Now i gotta try and borrow from another friend to watch it...was feeling sleepy after that so i went to take an afternoon nap...slept too long...woke up in the evening...and started rushing through my RER project...then i sent to my friend and ignored everything after that to study for my japanese test...yes, this is the only subject that i take FULL interest in...but it isn't easy to score...must try hard!! After that, went to sleep to prepare for the next day..slept a lil too late..
Woke up the next day with a dreaded feeling..it was also going to rain which made it a perfect weather to sleep in...but i had school so i woke up early...reached school late! By 4mins because there was a traffic jam on my way to school...i was feeling so sleepy so i slept through the journey while my father drove...the lecture theatre was empty as usual...everyone arrived quite late...for lunch, we went to the library to rush through the RER project and eat hotdog buns...and after that back for lecture...and then presentation time...presented in the lecture theatre...the feeling was different...i actually quite liked it...why? The place was BIG and EMPTY...unlike in classrooms where it is small and filled...thats where the pressure kicks in...ended with a BANG(yea my own bang =\ ) and then went back to the library to do last minute preparations for my test...japanese test started and it was difficult! Listening test, then writing test and then speaking test...sigh..forgot some things...how i still manage to perform well...but i doubt it...my hopes are just gettin a B and i'll be happy!
Went home after that to actually watch tv...but i ended up mapling instead...and then went to sleep...

Woke up today with plans to do other things...but i ended up mapling as well because other things had distrupted my plans..so i got my mage to lvl 41...and i was almost late for class today because of that...IS final lesson today...guys were to be in class at 2pm...and i arrived at 2.05pm...i was late!~ I rushed from the bus stop to the classroom...only to find that i was the only guy there...sometimes i wonder why i stress myself up so much just to be late...can i try to be like normal poly students who dont give a hoot whether they are late or not? Its not easy...i can be late for appointments with friends but i can't be late for class...sheesh...something's gotta be wrong with my head ~.~
Chiong home to maple again...only this time, when i reached home i didnt have the mood to maple..but i still did...now my aim is to lvl my char to 43 to use maple lama staff...
Tomorrow is supposed to be a special day...but i wonder if any in my family actually remembers...well tomorrow is tomorrow...



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